Kimberli Lebens, CHHC
For more information on Body Sculpting CLICK HERE
Certified Slimmer Silhouette Body sculptor – Technician and Educator
Certified Holistic Health Coach, Kundalini Yoga Instructor
A native to California, Kimi has an in-depth background of cancer research at USC and City of Hope while contributing to the Human Genome project in the 90’s. After a devastating accident, she decided to heal as holistically as possible for a sustainable outcome without the side effects of modern medicine.
In addition, being a busy wife and mother Kimi knows how challenging finding, and maintaining, the perfect self-care regime can be. Bodysculpting is a great addition to anyone’s health and wellness journey. While our bodies may have a limited ability to detox itself, often we find we need an assist. A non-invasive lipo-sculpt not only blasts fat and toxins but replaces them with transdermal micronutrients. This is not a temporary dehydration wrap, but a hydrating and balancing treatment with permanent results easily maintained with a healthy diet and proper exercise. Book a session today as a kick start to your seasonal detox or an assist to one of our other weight loss packages. Now available alone, 6-pack, or our most popular 12-pack package for best results.